I can attend my JB fren's birthday celebration...
26 september
10.30 i took bus at bukit jalil
3.30pm i arrived at larkin
my dad fetch me to his boss office
and thn i went to SKYNET for send some important mail via courier service
because it's safety thn the pos laju

waiting n waiting n waiting my sis come back frm her company
coz we r late ald
d organizer of this birthday celebration told us that we meet at 7pm
my dear sister came back home on 7pm
because she received a important task, go to take d birthday cake while she on the way back home
so she got to U-turn back to JJ and take it
so we'll late....

after well-prepared,
i drove d car n rush to our destination,
George & Dragon
which near the manulife office tower
My first time been here
we like a child frrm kampung,
keep taking photo in the restaurant
very "shua gu"

this is the environment of the restaurant
but jz is the environment near by our seat lah
we dun hav take whole of the restaurant

it looks like blur
because some technical problem while i uploaded it to imagehack
if u wan to take a look of clearly pictures,
please refer to the album in my friendster.

we first serve wif the oyster
and thn our main course jz came

after having the meal
we prepare for the session for celebrating ahseng birthday
a chocolate cake
birthday song

after that
some of us go to Rose Garden at Danga bay
to lim teh(yum cha) n chit-chatting
we spent our time there until d 12.00am

wish my dear fren happy always
i found tht
i forget to say happy birthday to u on tht day
wish u happy belated birthday
happy forever
meet ur love soon


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