i miss you so....much....

friday come ald...
our usual yumcha session on friday nite
usual place located at rose garden, danga bay..
sometimes we change to roost cafe n other place..
but the time always remind unchanged
my driver also always remain unchanged...
either kembara 5799 or naza 9999
the ppl sit in same car unchanged too...
another front seat-me
behind-zhenxian, xiaoyi / shuyin
sometime shaotian no drive thn seng will fetch him
we drink tea...
sometime we drink beer oso..
always is Heineken
gossiping (only me...)
until 12 or 1 something jz started to back home
how many crazy nite tht we had spent together wif each other?
uncountable amt ald

tis is d first friday without u all
alone in kl
miss u all
i like to hang around with u all
is free, is comfortable
jz only show real character
it is nice

i miss u all
especially you....

i noe shall not hv tht feel
but i felt
i scared
i feared

i jz wanna b a little sister of u all~
no nid worry so much

mayb one day
jz like what had seng told me
mayb our fate jz allow us get along so nice tis certain period
once d fate finish
once the period end
we wont b so good relationship as now..
so tht we must cherish wat we hav now
dun wan think so much
dun wan let d time go
jz b happy
whn we have fate to get along so nice together....

love ya...
miss ya...

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